by Kathleen Quinn Votaw | Jan 11, 2017
Candidates, like customers and employees, need to be engaged. Advertising and hoping the right person responds, or the “post and pray” method, doesn’t work—not if you want to attract the best people. We argue that organizations need to do two things: change to a sales mentality; and develop a culture of continuously cultivating the right people. This creates a pipeline of potential candidates, similar to your sales pipeline, with the skills and cultural fit you need, saving you from hiring whoever shows up at the door.
by Kathleen Quinn Votaw | Dec 11, 2016
Gallup puts the cost of mentally checked-out employees at $450 to $550 billion a year in productivity. That cost can be the difference between your company being just good, or becoming great. Engaged employees are not only more productive, they give you a key competitive advantage. In this article, we present the ultimate employee survey questions along with focus group questions for a deeper dive. And we list the three most important areas to focus on, when it comes to measuring engagement.
by Kathleen Quinn Votaw | Nov 11, 2016
Effective onboarding saves U.S. companies billions of dollars a year through increased productivity and retention, yet more than one-third of companies spend nothing on welcoming their new employees. In this article, we offer best practices on what you should do from the moment your candidate accepts the offer, throughout the first day, and in regular check-ins over the first few months. The effort and resources pay off in multiple ways.
by Kathleen Quinn Votaw | Oct 11, 2016
Ordinary managers are often tossed into the role of hiring manager with no special training. Charged with the weighty task of selecting the right talent to grow your business, you need to set them up for success. Two proven tools are assessments and behavioral interviewing. Together, they greatly enhance the information and insight your managers need to make the best hiring decisions.
by Kathleen Quinn Votaw | Sep 11, 2016
A “people puzzle” gap analysis is the first step in discovering whether you have talent or culture issues that will sabotage your goals. It tells you where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. What major changes or new initiatives do you envision over the next 1 to 3 years? What steps should you be taking now to ensure you have the right talent when you need it? The data enable you to develop a comprehensive, actionable roadmap linking your talent and business strategies.