Championships Are Won at Practice—in Baseball and Business: Equip Your Managers with the Tools for Successful Hiring.

Ordinary managers are often tossed into the role of hiring manager with no special training. Charged with the weighty task of selecting the right talent to grow your business, you need to set them up for success. Two proven tools are assessments and behavioral interviewing. Together, they greatly enhance the information and insight your managers need to make the best hiring decisions.

  • What’s your current process for training hiring managers and what tools do you provide? How effective is this system and what things could you do to improve outcomes?
  • How much emphasis do you put on competency versus cultural fit in selecting a candidate? Which is more important in the final hiring decision and why?
  • Aside from recruiting, in what other circumstances would you find assessments and behavioral interviewing skills useful?

Kathleen is an accomplished performer, business owner and leader. Find out more about how she can help you find and keep your most valuable asset – people.