In the conclusion of Kathleen’s conversation with Liz Ryan, the founder of Human Workplace, Liz shares why an employer and the job are just a means to an end and how HR leaders can get out of a “let’s protect the company from lawsuits” mindset.
About Liz Ryan: Liz Ryan is CEO and Founder of Human Workplace, a coaching and consulting firm, and the world’s most widely read career and leadership authority. Liz is a former Fortune 500 Human Resources SVP and the author of Reinvention Roadmap: Break the Rules to Get the Job You Want and Career You Deserve; Red-Blooded HR: Essays on Human Resources as a Force for Good; and Righteous Recruiting: Essays on Reinventing Talent Acquisition for People. She advises the three+ million Human Workplace followers on how to manage their careers, lead organizations and make work more human in the 21st century. Liz is a professional opera singer a mom of five.